I felt like the prep course was so incredibly helpful and I've told several people since taking the exam that this course is the one that was most helpful! I had purchased two other practice tests but this one was the one that was most helpful!!
~Misty Brown
The Mercy In Action NARM prep course was such a gift during my final stretch of studying. It helped me focus on exactly what I needed to know without feeling overwhelmed, and the way the material was laid out just made sense—like sitting down with a wise midwife who’s guiding you through it all. The practice tests, the review, and the constant encouragement built my confidence and kept me grounded in why this work matters. I’m so thankful for the way it prepared me, not just to pass the NARM (which I did!), but to step into midwifery feeling ready and equipped.
~Korina Buehrer
I finished your NARM exam preparation course... Just want you to know how much I loved it, and how useful I found it! It contained so much added value to my preparations and studies. I wasn’t keen on making up flash cards, but you changed my mind as I didn’t know there was a helpful way with creating them. I find flash cards very useful now, thanks to you! Your study tips were awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed creating my own mind maps and brain downloads. I feel more confident now after completing the prep course. The videos at the end with the beautiful CPM’s giving well wishes, words of positivity and encouragement was the frosting on the cake. Nice touch, I was gratefully moved.
~Alda Mills
I want to say a huge thank you for everything you’ve done to help me to this point. I definitely felt prepared after the NARM preparation class. Yes, I did a lot of self study, but it was such a helpful launching board to identify areas of weakness. I had little to no test anxiety....Excited to continue learning and be so close to serving clients as a midwife.
~Heidi Duffield
“I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for the NARM prep course! I felt VERY well prepared! I arrived to the testing site and felt SO excited to be taking the test. I was calm and confident and knew EXACTLY what to expect and EXACTLY how I wanted to take care of myself the day before and day of, I know this made a huge difference for me in my score. Thank you SO much for all your work putting that course together and making it available! “
~Shannon Smajda CPM
Just wanted to say that the NARM prep course with you was by far the most helpful for me in my test prep! I am someone who has high test anxiety and all the mini quizzes were so beneficial. Thank you and thank you especially for everything you do to help the next generation achieve their dreams!
~Brecklen Ables
Hello lovely Vicki! Just wanted to let you know that I sat my NARM exam on Monday and................ PASSED! I'm a CPM!!!! I enjoyed the NARM Online Study Course very much! After going through the study course I can't imagine how frustrated I would have been without it. It was so helpful to have guided activities to help me identify the areas where I needed refreshing. Above all, the 700 questions on practice tests were essential in helping me prepare for what the real day would be like! I was still nervous walking into the test, but once I got started I felt prepared and confident. It felt amazing to pass the NARM and to know I had worked hard to earn it! Alongside being grateful for the preparation the online study course gave to me, I'm also incredibly thankful to know how the proceeds from the course are put to the Mercy Midwives Birthing home in Olongapo, Philippines...I can't imagine a more worthy organization to support! Thank you Mercy In Action for providing this study course, and for the inspiring work you do! I wish I could hug you and thank you for all your help and encouragement! Your final practice exam was harder than the NARM though:) Love and prayers to you!
- Beka Blythe
I just wanted to let you know that I am really benefiting and enjoying the NARM study retreat online! It has made all the difference for me. Just given me a new lease on studying in these last few months before sitting for the CPM..... and I wanted to let you know that I did pass the NARM written exam! Many thanks again for your wonderful course!
- Caitlyn Collins
Hello Vicki, I took your online study course, finished it this week, and passed the NARM today. I'm so glad that you have created the study course and that it was in time for me to take it to prepared for my exam. It was tremendously helpful and gave me the guidance I needed to navigate the ocean of information that I would be tested on. I found both the study and exam tips really helpful- and taking so many practice exams helped me feel quite comfortable on my test day. Thank you so much for creating the course. It was amazing!
- Shelia Cochran Feldman
Hey Vicki, I am just writing to let you know that I took the online study course over the past month and then took the NARM yesterday and passed with a score of 89! I thought the course was awesome and definitely contributed to my success on the test. I loved the tips too. It just so happened that one of my local study buddies was taking the test on the same day in the same place (we live in VT so we had to travel for it) and she had done the online course too--we went to the test site the night before (parked, walked to the room etc) together and kept saying "look at us, Vicki would be so proud" (which became a theme as we ate our healthy breakfasts, talked about our lunch etc :) ) She passed too. :) Thanks so much for an awesome awesome course! I'll definitely recommend it as the #1 study tool for those taking the NARM in the future!
- Jennifer Pia-Noodleman
Hi- I'm happy to report that I took the NARM exam today for the first time and passed, with the exact same score I averaged for the Online study course! I really enjoyed taking the study course- such a blessing to be able to participate online. I found both the study and exam tips really helpful- and taking so many practice exams helped me feel quite comfortable on my test day. Thank You!
- Lauren Olson Sidford
I just passed my NARM Exam! just wanted to say thank you! I did your on-line test prep and it was sooooo very helpful! Just what I needed... I was so thankful to have guidance as I studied, as well as being able to study around my work schedule and 4 children :) Your course increased my confidence going into the test so much. Thank you for this and of course for all the work you do to help women and families in need. I pray that God blesses you all as you do His work!
- Celesta Bargatze
Hey Vicki, I took my NARM exam yesterday and passed! Your online study course was fantastic. I loved the use of flash cards and motivational videos. I found that it really gave me a sense of direction in my studies and really prepared me for the exam. Thank you! :) I'm so glad you've created it, I think it's brilliant.
- Sarah White
I passed the NARM exam yesterday with a score of 91! Thank you to Vicki for your amazing study program, I'm sure that was my ticket to success. God bless you amazing midwives!
- Emily Ager
I am so excited I passed the NARM this past week. I took your online study retreat and I don't think I could have done it without it. It gave me direction and focus in my study time and showed me my weak points! Thank you so much for offering it online. I have six kids and although I would have loved to come in person it would have been almost impossible. I was able to work time into my schedule each week to study and still keep my family first. Thanks again!!!
- Ashley Pickering
Just wanted to let you know that I PASSED my NARM and am now certified. I wanted to thank you for the inspiration you have been to me and for the benefit of the NARM prep course you offered online. Without a doubt, I know I passed because of taking it. I have a great fear of testing and the course prepared me beautifully for the actual test. I studied with The Piano Guys Christmas album playing and Rosemary Oil on my wrist along with incorporating your amazing tips. Thank you for investing in my life, my family and midwives; both to be and now certified. Love to you,
- Rebecca Whistler. CPM
I'm so grateful for this course. The vocabulary and the mind maps were all so helpful to build a more solid base of info to draw from. The testing and especially the final simulation of the exam day was imperative to my preparation and passing score. I agree with previous comments that Vicki's test was more difficult than the actual test. I felt well-prepared and confident. I took my exam Monday, June 1st and passed! The study course was so helpful. Thanks for your amazing ministry.
- Julie Pili
I passed! Thanks so much for the online NARM prep course! I'm an experienced midwife and haven't been in school in over a decade so this helped me to get back into "entry level" midwife mode and I passed! It was great and I will be recommending it to others!"
- Jennifer Timbs
Just wanted to send Mercy In Action a note to say I passed my NARM yesterday!!! I am praising and thanking Jesus and recommending y'all's course to my friends! I took your online study course (used the full 3 months) and have been studying the areas I needed to work on over the last 5 months. I know y'all played a huge part in being more familiar with practice test questions and encouraging me to make lots of multiple choice flashcards! I praise the Lord for you! I will be using my CPM to help families in Central America and share the hope of Jesus Christ! Thank you,
- Jill Dillard, CPM
I'm thrilled to be writing this letter to you... I found out a week ago today that I passed the NARM written exam! I became interested in pregnancy, birth and midwifery 21 years ago with the pregnancy of my firstborn. In a nutshell, I've worked as a doula, childbirth educator, breastfeeding peer counselor, and birth assistant, apprenticed with several different midwives, and homeschooled three kids through middle school. Taking your online study course was the perfect cap to my years of effort. I'm so grateful to have passed the first time I sat for the exam. Thank you!!!
- Melaine Copeland, CPM
"I just wanted to say thank you. I passed my NARM yesterday. I am also going to continue to tell every young midwife to take the Mercy in Action NARM prep program. Several of my Birthwise Midwifery School classmates have taken it and we have all passed. Thanks to (Ian) and Vicki for all the hard work you put into it. Your course was just a great refresher for any midwife. I‘d love to take it again each year as a refresher. Blessings, Nicole"
- Nicole McKeen , CPM
I took the online NARM study course in the fall and just completed and passed my NARM exam. The course was exceedingly valuable in helping me to coalesce my knowledge, find the holes in my knowledge and understanding, and to prepare me for the test taking environment. So many practice tests and the big practice test at the end of the course along with the various study and test taking tips helped me to enter into the test with calm and ease. I have also started using some of these tips in my daily life, an unexpected benefit of the course. Thank you so very much for providing this resource!
- Sara Peters
After 3 years in a MEAC accredited program, I was anxious and excited to get started in my studying for the NARM exam. I had heard great things about Mercy In Action so as soon as my application was in the mail, I purchased the program. I was excited to get started and knew as soon as I watched the tutorial videos and completed my first assessment, that this was the right program for me. Not only do they offer study tips and personalized assessments, but they explain why the answers are correct and incorrect, which goes a long way in helping you understand the material. I was also thoroughly impressed with their customer service. When a PayPal issue caused a double payment, I sent an email and heard back within five minutes and the money was back in my account a mere ten minutes after I reported the problem. That is top notch customer service! I am genuinely excited to continue with their program and would recommend it to student midwives looking for the best possible NARM study guide.
- Abigail Vidikan
Hello Vicki! I took the Mercy In Action NARM prep course and loved it! It was an excellent preparation for the NARM. I sat for the NARM this past Tuesday and found out today that I passed! Your course was very helpful! Grace and peace,
- Joanne Byrd
Thank you for all your tips and words of encouragement. I completed MIA using the full 90 days. I just got my email (from NARM) - 90%. I'm so grateful for the program. It really helped me hon in on what to study and the practice tests were tremendously helpful. By the afternoon session I felt like I was just taking another practice test.
- Sarah Burns
I signed up for your online NARM test prep program last week ...It was recommended to me by another midwife who recently took the NARM. It helped me to focus on the areas I needed to review and I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for all the tips and encouragement. It was exactly what I needed...AND I passed! I'm so grateful to not have to go through that experience more than once. Keep up your good work.Thank you again.
- Vanessa Ramey
I recently took your online study couse for the NARM exam. I had preveously completed a midwifery degree at a college but it had been a couple years and I felt rusty when it came to studying. I want to thank you. The online course was able to point me where I needed to study the most and the many practice tests helped me to get over some of my anxiety. I passed the NARM exam! Keep up the good work. Thanks again,
- Bethany Van Der Hart
I PASSED! I wanted to say thank you for your NARM Online study course. It was extremely helpful!! Thank you again!!
- Layla Brown
Hello Vicki, As of March 5th I am an official CPM!!! Thank you so much for putting out such an excellent study guide. It really helped me prepare and be ready for the Exam. Thank you,
- Amy Reynolds
Thank you for such a wonderful prep course for the NARM. I am a MCU student receiving my BSM, and I felt a strong knowledge base when finishing the curriculum, but your prep course helped me find my holes, and wrap my head around the test in general. I passed, and am very pleased. Thank you for what you do,
- Jen Jester
I took your NARM prep course and I just wanted to write you and let you know I passed the NARM on Monday! I got a 91!! I was so surprised I did that well. I am infinitely thankful to you and your work. Thank you for creating something to help prepare us for this very important exam. I was reflecting on the fact that is the most important exam I have ever taken in my life and I was so happy to feel confident and prepared. I look forward to a long and successful career as a midwife. All the best to you and your inspiring work,
- Alison Fischman
I passed the NARM test with a 92. The prep suggestions ABSOLUTELY saved me!
As someone who had literally not taken a standardized test in 40 years, and was a capable practicing midwife but really didn’t have much idea of where to put my study focus… it was incredibly helpful to have every bit of the study tips, practice tests, and topic guidelines! It really did help me identify weak areas (especially medical terms that were not emphasized back in the last ’70’s and early ’80’s of my apprenticeship with largely self-taught midwives or that I didn’t use in my every day practice), and it really helped to have ‘a list’ of what to look up and review. The flashcards were just as useful as promised.
The actual study TIPS saved me completely! I did go by my community college to the test-taking site to check it out a few days before….and found out that workplace testing takes place across campus in a totally different building! I would have PANICKED to discover that the day of. I traipsed over there, and found out that the staff there believed that I was not allowed plain scrap paper in the commuter room with me. Which also distressed me. Gave me time to follow up with the testing company, and sort out that little snag. And to find out how the bathroom breaks worked (they let you go even though the signs say you can’t).
THEN, the day of the test, I was within 5 questions of the end of the long day….when the computer blinked, and ALL of my afternoon answers disappeared! During this 30 minutes I was standing in the foyer employing all of your tips (drinking my protein drink with a good fats and a touch of green tea caffeine, rubbing shins, breathing etc etc etc), while they quietly labored in the testing room to fix the program. I was able to gather myself, resume the test, and confidently review every last one of the questions to make sure I answered the way I wanted to. And because I knew the amount of time I had consistently needed on the practice tests (about 1/3 the time allowed), I wasn’t as anxious as I otherwise might have been about wrapping up. I already knew my patterns, in my case that I knew or didn’t, and how much time was needed.
Your brilliant details on how to read the questions, and tease out/sort out the better answers from the choices I would say raised my score by 20%. Which was the margin for me of passing or not passing. There were a number of questions that I knew I had safely handled in the field and had midwifed well in practice, but that I would have gotten wrong because of my natural inclination about how to interpret the questions and answers. Because of your clear and detailed guidance, and the practice exams to experience them, I felt quite confident as I steadily deconstructed each question and range of answers.
The study course was very valuable in every way! I REALLY appreciated you detailing the time lines, how much time I needed to move through the study material in different ways. Good examples throughout. Very understandable without being simplistic. I am easily bored if material is too repetitive, I did not get frustrated at all.
Thank you for the enormous time investment to put together this professional, practical, valuable and priceless study guide! I so deeply appreciate your quality teaching - it challenges all of us to ‘play up’ to your high level of quality info and professionalism!!
~Beth Barbeau
I passed!!! I wanted to let you know that I purchased the MIA NARM prep course in April and just took and passed the NARM exam this week! Thank you for creating such a thorough study program. It was a huge help in feeling confident and prepared for the exam.
~Carissa Chamberlain
I took the Mercy in Action NARM prep course. It was wonderful!!! Very helpful! The tips especially helped and my kids have even been using them in school. All the practice tests made the real test feel very bite sized. I passed on my first attempt! Thank you for a wonderful program!
~Brooke Atkinson
Just writing to let you know that I PASSED THE NARM after the MIA course.
Thank you so, so much for this! It actually taught me a lot about my own learning that I didn't know before. The mind maps were a great tool, and I am a terribly anxious test taker, this kind of testing is really hard for me. I really feel confident in my knowledge as a midwife and also in my ABILITY TO LEARN, which I think is most helpful. Thanks again for your support!
~Sasha Kerkmann Hood
I purchased the course in September 2021. I spent about six hours a day on the course work. I did the work and watched the videos. I sat for the test and failed. Two months later I made a second attempt and passed. I think it’s a well laid out course. I like that it is self paced and I think the study methods are easy and effective, flashcards, mind mapping, audible videos etc. However I did not use this course to study for my second attempt. $500 is far too expensive for this course. It’s pre-done, not live or interactive at all. There is no additional help or support from a real person in real time. The videos set up an u realistic expectation for how the test will go. For example, the advise is given to chew gum and drink water during the test neither of which are actually allowed. I showed up to the test with those things and was told to leave them in a locker. This immediately creates an off-balance mind going into the test with unmet expectations.
~Devorah Melissa Harris
With the help of this amazing course, I PASSED THE NARM! I am over the moon!! Thank you so much. This course helped me find gaps in my knowledge base and gave me so much confidence on the day of the exam. By the time I sat down for the NARM, I found it to be relatively easy and my anxiety quickly faded as soon as I realized how well prepared I was. Many of the questions on the NARM had a very similar format to those on the MIA prep course and the MIA prep course covered the vast majority of the information on the NARM. I cannot thank you enough for helping me reach this milestone on my journey. I wish every NARM candidate could take this course in preparation. I'm certain it would result in a higher NARM pass rate!
~Morgann Burres