Mercy In Action College of Midwifery
NOTE: This page is about Mercy In Action’s Scholarship for Black/Indigenous students. For a listing of general scholarships, please go to the Student Services page:
Claudia Booker was the Grand Challenge Coordinator for Mercy In Action College of Midwifery’s scholarship program at the time of her death in early 2020. She was also a guest faculty lecturer in the Mercy In Action College of Midwifery, where she taught a popular class on the history of Grand Midwives in the USA. With Vicki Penwell and Jennie Joseph, Claudia helped us launch a Grand Challenge to ask all midwifery schools to grant scholarships to student midwives from communities currently experiencing high infant and maternal mortality rates. Claudia Booker was involved over the years in so many ways with Mercy In Action; as a teacher, as a scholar in our post-graduate Diploma in International Midwifery & Maternal/Child Health program, as a host for numerous continuing education trainings, as a volunteer in the Philippines during a natural disaster response, and as legal counsel when needed. She was a mentor to our students and a good friend. We are proud to name this memorial scholarship in Claudia’s honor, and pray it will help many aspiring midwives to become CPMs.
African American babies have 2-3 times the infant mortality rate of the national average in America, and African American mothers are 3-4 times more likely than white mothers to die of birth complications. The situation is also grim for American Indian/Alaska Native communities. If anyone from these ethnic and racial groups wants to become a midwife to serve their own people group, Mercy In Action will help. Families from these groups need support and resources from providers that understand the dynamics of their lives and how these stresses can contribute to poor outcomes in pregnancy and birth. For that reason, Mercy In Action is offering scholarships to African American and American Indian/Alaska Natives who will become midwives to serve their own communities in America.
Until the shocking disparity in maternity outcomes in America is solved, we will give scholarships to midwife students who qualify for the programs we offer as defined below, within the context of evidence-based solutions (see the chart of neonatal death rates per ethnic/racial populations in America). We hope that others involved in midwifery education will take our ideas, replicate them and scale them up to whatever will help to eliminate the racial disparity in birth outcomes.
Sumayya Sulaiman is our Current Scholarship Coordinator and Mentor 2020-present
College of Midwifery Scholarships
Bachelor of Science Degree
Claudia Booker Memorial Midwife Scholarships will be available each year for qualified students from the people groups who lose the most mothers and babies at birth in America - Black/African American and American Indian/Alaska Natives.
First-year Mercy In Action College of Midwifery students who qualify as potential scholarship applicants must apply for our Scholarship Mentoring Track as soon as they begin the program, in order to have access to regular mentorship meetings with our Scholarship Coordinator and Mentor to stay on track for the scholarship. At Claudia Booker’s request before her death, scholarships are to be granted to students who have shown serious commitment to midwifery by having successfully completed four semesters with a minimum 3.0 GPA, have a signed contract for a clinical apprenticeship with an approved clinical preceptor, and have been attending mentoring meetings with our Scholarship Coordinator and Mentor during the first two years of the program.
When qualified Black or Indigenous students have successfully met the requirements, they will request a scholarship application, usually toward the end of the fourth semester. The scholarship will pay for the final two years of tuition. This scholarship, once granted, will be renewed on a semester-by-semester basis for the remainder of the program, re-evaluated at the end of each semester according to satisfactory academic progress (3.0 GPA or higher), satisfactory clinical progress, and abidance of our Student Code of Conduct. It is our hope and expectation that each student who is awarded the Claudia Booker Memorial Midwife Scholarship will complete our program, graduate, become a CPM, and serve as a community midwife.
Note: Scholarships do not cover the annual student fee, nor the cost of books, travel, pre-requisite courses or outside tests, or preceptor fees in the event a preceptor charges fees.
Applicants for the scholarship must be currently enrolled in Mercy In Action College of Midwifery and have successfully completed the first two years as described above. Applicants must submit a completed scholarship application before the end of their 4th semester, or no later than May 1.
If an applicant finishing the fourth semester has not yet begun and been approved for a clinical apprenticeship, they may continue on the scholarship mentoring track until such time they meet the full scholarship requirements. The Clinical Director approves clinical apprenticeship and documentation of approved clinical apprenticeship must be on file with the college before a student submits the scholarship application.
The scholarship application deadlines each year are May 1 and December 1, respectively.
Click the button below to apply for the Scholarship Mentoring Track.
NARM Study Course Scholarship
NARM Study Course: Unlimited Tuition Scholarships for our Online NARM Study Course will be granted to qualified applicants from the people groups who lose the most mothers and babies at birth in America - Black/African American and American Indian/Alaska Natives. To apply, applicant must show proof of completion or near completion of meeting NARM requirements, with the intent to sit the NARM exam within the 90 days following submission of the application. For more information on the Online NARM Exam Prep Course click here.
Applicants must submit ONE of the following for verification of eligibility at the time of application:
NARM Approval Letter (your approval to take the NARM exam) sent via email to, OR:
Proof of Graduation: A school director may verify you have graduated or are on track to graduate within the next 3 months by completing the Verification of Eligibility for Online NARM Exam Prep Scholarship form, OR:
Proof of Completion of Clinicals: Your preceptor may verify you have completed your clinicals or are on track to graduate within the next 3 months by completing the Verification of Eligibility for Online NARM Exam Prep Scholarship form (if doing PEP).
* If you are submitting a letter from your school or your preceptor, please have the person fill out the “Verification of Eligibility for Online NARM Exam Prep Scholarship” form on this webpage. If you are submitting other proof of eligibility, proof will need to be sent to
For every live, hands-on seminar Mercy in Action College of Midwifery teaches in the USA, we give one scholarship to attend, free of charge, to one qualified applicant from the people groups who lose the most mothers and babies at birth in America - Black/African American and American Indian/Alaska Natives. To apply, send a resume and cover letter telling us what live hands-on seminar you plan to attend (city and date) and why you are a good candidate for the scholarship. Email to:
The Grand Challenge
The Staff of Mercy In Action College of Midwifery is so happy to offer these scholarships and we wish all recipients the very best in their calling as a midwife!
Donate toward the Claudia Booker Memorial Midwife Scholarship Fund:
For more information on The Grand Challenge and to learn about scholarships given by other schools and organizations, click the link below:
ALSO: See our page on Student Services where we list outside scholarships
Claudia Booker (late) with scholarship recipients Rachel Williams and Sumayya Sulaiman, and the co-authors of the Grand Challenge, Jennie Joseph and Vicki Penwell. Sumayya is the current Scholarship Coordinator for Mercy In Action.
Learn more about why we have a Grand Challenge Scholarship from Mercy In Action board member, college faculty, past coordinator, and past recipient of the scholarship, Rachel Williams Myers.