Online Navigating Ethical Student/Preceptor/Client Relationships
MEAC Continue Educating Units
This course, Navigating Ethical Student/Preceptor/Client Relationships, will focus on creating and maintaining healthy relationships, working dynamics, and clinical environments for students, preceptor midwives, and the families they serve. This course may be taken by anyone, including student midwives, but is especially helpful for the experienced midwife who wants to pass along her knowledge and skills to the next generation of student midwives.
Once you complete the course, you will immediately receive a certificate for your CEUs
Online Student/Preceptor/Client Relationships: $119
CEU: 4 hours
Accredited by MEAC
Purchase anytime you are ready. You have access to the full course for 30 days after you purchase
Vicki Penwell, CPM, LM, MSM, MA
Rose Penwell, CPM, LM, BSM, BS
Ian Penwell, CPM, LM, BSM, BS
Why the world needs midwives; why it is worth it to train the next generation of midwives
What does healthy symbiotic relationship look like between major stakeholders in midwifery education?
What is healthy for the mother - rights of the patient
What is healthy for the preceptor - rights of the educator
What is healthy for the student - rights of the student
III. Needs and expectations of all stakeholders
IV. Keeping it safe and ethical for student, preceptor, and client
V. Competency based learning
A. Psychomotor skills
B. Clinical decision making and communication skills
C. Knowledge and attitudes required to perform those skills
VI. Activities for Learning and Assessment
A. Adult learning and teaching methods
B. Student assessment techniques (clinical)
VII. Competency-based training
VIII. Evidence based theoretical principles
A. Adult learning theory principles
B. Apprenticeship theory principles
C. Ethical healthcare training theory principles
1. Behavior modeling
2. Adult learning practice and instant feedback
3. Ethics of Cross-Cultural or Service Learning Models
IX. After action review
A. Reinforce theory behind clinical practice
B. Build teamwork and accountability
C. Peer review
X. Creating and utilizing a student/preceptor handbook
XI. Pregnant patient’s bill of rights