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Online Preventing Mother-to-Child-Transmission
of HIV/AIDS and Hep B&C

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of deadly diseases by screening for HIV and Hep B & C is not optional if we are to provide best-practice maternity care, everywhere in the world. We now have the means and the know-how to prevent mother-to-child transmission -PMTCT - of HIV and Hep B, so that no mother need ever worry again about passing these on to her baby. Diagnosing and treating infections that can impact the baby through vertical transmission during pregnancy or childbirth, either by treating them ourselves or by helping infected pregnant women get into an evidence-based PMTCT program, will protect the baby from deadly virus and ensure the mother’s survival to raise her child. In addition to treatment for HIV and Hep B, the added risks and possible complications of Hepatitis C are important for every midwife to understand as well.


Online Preventing Mother-to-Child-Transmission
of HIV/AIDS and Hep B & C
: $119

CEU: 4 hours

MEAC Accredited

Purchase anytime you are ready. You have access to the full course for 30 days after you purchase

Vicki Penwell, CPM, LM, MSM, MA

Preventing Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C


a.     Summary of Global HIV Epidemic 

             i.     Breakdown of Men, Women, Children

              ii.     People living with HIV, Newly Infected, Dying of HIV/AIDS

              iii.     History of Epidemic and Geographic Breakdowns

              iv.     History of Treatment options

b.     Cascade of Stages in the PMTCT of HIV Process

              i.     Early Prenatal care

              ii.     Test for HIV using opt-out model

              iii.     Offer treatment and treatment accepted

              iv.     Treatment consistently throughout pregnancy

              v.     Treatment in labor and postpartum for mother and baby

              vi.     Safe feeding practices

c.     How HIV is Transmitted Mother-to-Child

              i.     Pregnancy -Crosses Placenta

              ii.      Labor and Delivery – Body Fluids

              iii.     Postpartum – Breastmilk

              iv.     Risk Factors

II.  PMTCT of Hepatitis B and C

a.     Summary of Global Hepatitis B and C Epidemic

b.     Treatment Options starting at birth

      i.     Immunoglobulins

              ii.     Vaccines

              iii.     Safe Feeding Options