Student Achievements

Since 1985, Mercy In Action has been graduating students who have gone on to become licensed midwives and, after it became available, Certified Professional Midwives (CPM) through the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). For several decades we partnered with another MEAC school that operated as a college without walls so that our students could earn an accredited degree, before then pursuing our own institutional accreditation in 2015. Our graduates are working as midwives in many different states and countries as they serve all over the world to improve maternal and child health.

Mercy In Action College of Midwifery has the following graduation and employment rates since receiving our own institutional MEAC accreditation in 2017 (Figures reflect 2023 data and graduates as of December 2024):

Total students matriculated in program: 152

Total Graduates: 99

NARM Pass Rate (3 year average for all attempts): 91%

Employment Rate (based on data from 2014-2018 cohorts who responded to surveys): 91%


Graduates of Mercy In Action College of Midwifery’s MEAC accredited program

Graduating Class of 2024


Graduating Class of 2023


Graduating class of 2022


Graduating class of 2021


Graduating class of 2020

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class 2020 pg3.jpg
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Graduating class of 2019


Graduating class of 2018


Graduating class of 2017
